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Pick One: Balance vs. Integration
This is for the side-projecting, hustle loving creative who isn’t sure how they’re going to keep everything going. Who hears about that infamous term, “work/life balance” but isn’t sure what exactly that means or how to get there.
When conversations turn to the infamous work/life balance idea, people begin to squirm. Often because they don’t feel like they’re good at it. I sure do. It’s time to rethink it, though, because the more appropriate term is work/life integration. This is the idea where some days life requires more than 50% and others require 80% going towards work.
It is possible to have a fulfilled life in both work and life, but it takes work. My goal is to help you begin to determine what can stay, what can take a larger or smaller role in life, and what may need to be set aside for the time being. Before we get to that though, I want to review why I use the term “integration” instead of “balance”.
Work/Life Integration
When we consider balance vs. integration, we need to rethink the traditional, often overused idea of balancing life and work. The scale will very rarely, if ever, truly balance out to 50/50, work and life. Your…